
Map of bike paths / walking paths in Garden City, Utah


Recreation trails for walking, running and cycling in Garden City, Utah

Garden City, Utah map area

Garden City, Utah

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Bear Lake Heritage Trail



Salt Lake City

Garden City is located in Rich County, about 30 miles along Highway 89 from Logan in Northern Utah. The city is situated on the shores of Bear Lake. Bear Lake State Park is located on the north side of Garden City.

Garden City is located just 4 miles from the border of Utah and Idaho and 17 miles west of the border with Wyoming.

Bear Lake Heritage Trail

The Bear Lake Heritage Trail is a 5-mile long paved pathway for bike riding and walking that spans much of the Garden City area. The north end of the pathway is located near the Bear Lake Marina along Bear Lake Boulevard. The south end of the pathway is located along Bear Lake Boulevard at Sweetwater Parkway.


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreatonal trails for bike riding, running and walking in Garden City, Utah.

Individual Maps for Recreational Trails in Utah

Below is a list of links to our maps for specific recreational trails in the State of Utah.

