
Map of bike paths / walking paths in the Auburn area


Recreational trails for walking, running and cycling in Auburn and Waterloo, Indiana

Auburn, Indiana map area

Auburn, Indiana

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Auburn Urban Path

Auburn Waterloo Trail

Carr Field Trail

Reike Trail

Reike Park Trail


Fort Wayne

Auburn is located in Northeastern Indiana, 20 miles north of Fort Wayne. Waterloo is located about 5 miles north of Auburn.

Auburn Urban Path

Auburn has a 1.5-mile long paved recreation path that wanders through the middle of town from North Street to Wayne Street. The north end of the trail connects to the Reike Trail.

Reike Trail

The Reike Trail is a 1-mile long paved path that stretches from Betz Road to North Street. The trail connects to the Auburn Urban Path on the south end. The route of the Reike Trail goes past Reike Park and connects to the trails in the park.

Auburn Waterloo Trail

The Auburn Waterloo Trail is a 3-mile long paved pathway that follows alongside N. Main Street from a point south of Morningstar Road to the intersection of S. Wayne Street and Cedar Street in Waterloo.


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreational trails located in Auburn, Indiana.

Individual Maps for Recreational Trails in Indiana

Here is a list of links to the individual maps for specific recreational trails in the State of Indiana.

